Vice Principal Desk

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Khagarijan College believes in Education being the highest form of devotion, and hence our college tries its best to reach out to the students, of that section of the society, who are often left bereft of a quality education. From a wholesome curriculum to cultural and social activities, this College tries its best to facilitate a holistic development for the growth of the students.
In its 49 years, since its establishment, the College has worked upwards to a journey that bears witness to student advancement, betterment and empowerment. The Faculties, the Administration, Officials and other workers have contributed their best to build an ambience for the students to explore themselves; delve into their interests and find their focus.
The entirety of our vision is student centric and we make it our mission to attain our goals. Since its establishment, our college has grown immensely in each and every aspect; be it infrastructure, resource materials or research. As such, we are better equipped than before to meet the challenges of the newly minted changes in the field of education.
In the end, I would like to call for a special mention for the student body. No Educational Institute is complete without a flourishing student body and the spirit of Khagarijan College is that of the students, and their motivation to become responsible citizens of the country.

Dr. Dr. Jonaram Nath (Vice Principal)
M.A., Ph.D.
9401442749, 8876590815

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