College Campus

The Khagarijan College is a renowned higher education institution, located in the South Eastern Part of Nagaon Town. The college is extended over 3.25 acres of land and stands on the river bank of Morikolong River. The college consists of many buildings viz., Administrative Building, (Office Room, Principal Chamber, Teachers’ Common Room, Conference Hall, Computer Lab etc.), Old Building, (with examination control room, alumni office, departments and IQAC office etc.), New Building, (Student Union Office, Department of History and Classrooms, Department of Education & Education Lab), M.A. Building (Central Library, Department of Assamese etc.), Girls Hostel, Sports Hostel, Canteen, Gymnasium etc.. Besides, the buildings, the college has an open area covered with green grass, garden and different green trees around the campus. In fine, the college campus offers a very attractive and congenial atmosphere for teaching-learning.

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